Searching for light- a monologue

To be able to search for light, a radiation which can be detected by the human eye, however, our eyes are peculiar. Able to perceive where our comfort lies within. And our comfort broken is the commencement of chaos which channels our inner consciousness to take control. However, we haven’t yet taught our consciousness to apprehend the difference between the simplest emotions.

We get confused distinguishing the real meaning of happiness and sadness. Each entwined with one other. Being able to find the happy in the sad and the sad in the happy. Just like the symbol of yin and yang. Very distinct yet, just like on another. Quite paradoxical. The universe created this symbol to make us understand that there is no difference between the two juxtaposing words. Good and Bad. Seem so dissimilar, yet, more homogeneous to each other than twins to another.

But, the ideas that have been amended to categorize two people; who can be justified as a good being or a bad one is the utilization of two vague words into judging one’s conscience. Who has the right to categorize us, obviously, not our society, but, our actions. The action resulting in the outcome we wanted, may even, introduce us to the standards of our morals. The morals we have been searching years to understand and haven’t been able to find it yet.

Not in our textbooks, or with our parents but, lying within ourselves. The morale which is lying inside the pumping organ that is covered with robust tissues and resilient veins similar to thorny branches attached to antique castles, helping in keeping our essence of life intact. So, gradually, when we come to rationalize ourselves, the searching of the light will come to a halt and we’ll stay amidst our roots which in the end, would let the essence of life fly away as we have finally become free from the exploration that kept us on our tip toes for millennial’s.

Every step of that pursuit we entered another form to keep on procuring that ever-growing cognizance.

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